Monday, February 6, 2012

Nothing clever comes to mind...

Time has once again gotten away from me. While my perspective has been a bit off of late, everything else seems to have kept right on keepin on. I'll do a quick update.
February has come, bringing with it much sunshine and warm breezes.
And allergies.
Rain is in the forecast, however and I am ready!!!
 I did some much needed sugar cookie therapy.
 Hearts and pink piggies.... yum
 Snoozin and treats..... treats and snoozin....
 MY POTATOES CAME UP!!!! I didn't think they were going to do anything at all. Charlie had even brought me a dried up little seed potato that she captured, so I assumed they were all dead. But nope..... First time growing potatoes... yay
I baked some really yummy muffins from a recipe out of my new 1947 Better Homes and Gardens cookbook I found at the swap meet. I am left asking myself, Why I try to come up with new and improved baked treats? and the saying If it ain't broke... don't fix it...
I'm really not sure why I have never thought to buy a primrose for the window!!! I am amazed at it's beauty.
 A bit of retail therapy while buying necessaries. I found this little fountain for $9 and my violets are enjoying it as well.
 My mint is doing extremely well in the bay window. I have had to pinch it back twice already and not an aphid in sight.
 We had a noisy and happy slumber party here. It was fun....
OK that about does it. I can relax now.... Sorry for the gap... It's not that I don't think about writing on here all the time.
Blessings, Sue


Neener Bels said...

Mommy! I like the random picture of cactus :)

--Neener Bells

loveinterwoven said...

That's not a cactus neenie, its an ant lake!!!!!!!!!:-)

loveinterwoven said...

That's not a cactus neenie, its an ant lake!!!!!!!!!:-)

loveinterwoven said...

That's not a cactus neenie, its an ant lake!!!!!!!!!:-)