Saturday, August 22, 2009

Feelin' Antsy

Lets be honest... These are really the only kind of "ants" I have ever really liked. "Ants on a log" I used to make these for the girls for school lunches (remember?) I have, however, gained a bit of respect, shall we say, for these annoying little creatures of God. I've been feeling a bit "antsy" lately. So grab a cup and go on a little journey with me, won't you. ANT- noun
1. Black, red, brown, or yellow insects found in warm climates. They have a large head, inner jaws for chewing and outer jaws for chewing, carrying and digging. They live in highly organized colonies, containing wingless female workers and a winged Queen. Only during breeding season are there winged males.

Now I find much of this information very interesting..... I'll not elaborate..... however.... EVERY ant you see on your kitchen counter is a female..... Just trying to take care of the daily business of life, tending to other family members.... blah,blah,blah..........

ANTSY- adjective- slang. 1. Unable to sit or stand still ; fidgety. 2. apprehensive, uneasy, nervous.

ANTS IN PANTS- slang. To have ants in pants, to be impatient or eager to act or speak.

1. There are over 10,000 known species of ants.
2. Ants recognise each other by scent and leave a scent trail to find food.
3. Ants live for 40 to 60 days.
4. Some birds put ants into their feathers to eat parasites.
5. Ants have 2 stomachs.
6. Ants are able to lift 20 times their body weight.
7. Ants have the largest brain of most insects.
8. Ants have no lungs, they breathe through tiny holes all over their little bodies.
9. They are in the same "family" as bees and wasps.

I have been feeling antsy lately. I'm ready for school to start. It will soon, about 2 more weeks here. I'm ready for Autumn. The colors, the smells, the feeling in the air....... I want to bake without having to turn on the AC. You get the picture...
I have been getting alot done around here. I believe God reminded me of those who need some of the really cool stuff I have in my shed that I wasn't using anymore. I've been cleaning, sorting, and generally clearing out. I give to to the American Vets Thrift Store. They are gonna score this time around. It makes me feel good. Hmmmmm....Listen to what I believe God is telling me...Act on it..... Feel good....... Interesting......
Proverbs 6: 6-8 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider it's ways and be wise.
It has no commander, No overseer ruler,
Yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers it's food at harvest.

So many projects I have going.... Blessed Babies are coming.... (No not grand babies yet) So I'm knee deep in knitting, quilting, sewing for them. I do like to be busy like this....
I'm itching to get spinning and I have a few weaving projects to get finished up. I also got a new crock pot I'm dying to put into service. Come On Autumn.................... It's soup time around here..........
Blessings to you all... Thanks for stopping by. Sue


Sheena said...

Love your antsy story. I too am ready for Autumn. I did a new recipe in the crockpot last week. Meat loaf. Yummmm I just wonder what you will do when "School starting" doesn't affect you. It's kind of weird. I too am spinning away and knitting and weaving and piddling in the garden. Life is grand!

Sheena said...

I'm a pest. I had to tell you, I got Molly's wool back yesterday. Oh so soft. It is dark brown. She is the Ewe that I bought at the fair last year. She was a 4-h project and is oh so beautiful. I'm in love all over again.