Monday, May 18, 2009

Junior Fair #2, LOUD, snorty, hmmmmmm thats it. Except I do enjoy a piece of bacon now and then... Admit it, so do you ....right........?
Boer Goat- Market, meat, cute, sweet, personality to spare.

Suffolk sheep- I used to JUST see FIBER, but now I see this is more a meat breed. I still see fiber mind you....... I don't eat sheep. Stubborn, loud, naughty.

Steer- Meat, New York steak BBQ'd to perfection, Ribs, Tri-tip, corn on the cob, big green salad, nice glass of wine, you know...... BIG, BIG, BIG, slow, beautiful eyes, very loud moo.

Dairy Heifer- MILK duh!!!!!! smaller than steer, sweet, beautiful eyes, moist nose, rough tongue.

Oh yes and daughter- Amazing gift from God, beautiful, smart, funny, she has definitely been given a gift for working with animals.... And one of my most cherished Blessings.
More later then,
Blessings, Sue

1 comment:

Sheena said...

She looks like she knows what she's doing to me!. Great pics.