Friday, October 14, 2011

 The shamrock bulbs that I planted are popping up!! They are both different from the ones I already had. This one is called Iron Cross I believe.  I managed to throw away the papers containing their names. oops.
 If you can Carol, would you be so kind as to leave me a comment and remind me again what they're called. If you look closely, I think there may even be a bloom..... in above picture.
 This one has less individuals popping up, but the color is so vibrant. they are actually more purple, but the sun was bright when I took this. I was told that these are a bit temperamental and harder to grow. I didn't mention that to them as I was planting. What's that saying?..Don't tell me what i can't do...
 So I wanted these to be a surprise for my Carlye girl, but I can't wait any longer. These bibs are for my Baby Girl, Emmaline.
I found them in a 6 pack at Wal-mart. They are plastic backed and therefore perfect for leaking babies. The colors are great but they were just a bit to plain for my tastes. That and I can pretty much never leave things alone. hahahh
I made this flower out of fabric I used to line a purse I made. It turned out so cute... 
 And then i found on You Tube how to make these darling little flowers out of one of my favorite embellishments ever...... Ric Rack. The bib itself is almost a neon green, which I usually steer away from, but its really really cute.  I,m thinking Etsy??? What about you? Would you buy these?

Last weekend we went to the Koby swap meet. It was MY LUCKY DAY. I came home with some really cool things. Honestly I am only sharing 1/2 today and some items will even get their own post I think. This is the first brown bottle I have in my collection. Its an old PUREX bottle. love it. The canning jar on the left got my interest because of its shape for's oval.
 And the details on it were really unfamiliar to me. When I got home I looked it up and it is actually a Golden West Peanut Butter jar. I couldn't find out much information on it as it looks like most of the containers for this product were cans. Not sure how old it is, but its cool none the less.
I really scored in the book department!!!!! I finally found a copy of Emily Post's Etiquette. This is from 1953 and it is so fun to read. I will share more about it later.
 I found a McCall's Needlework Treasury from 1964 to add to my needlework books and a few children's books that I will share more on later. The Good Housekeeping book was a gift from Carlye while in Georgia. Its copyrighted in 1959 ( a great year, indeed) and published in 1971.
 I couldn't believe my eyes when I found this book at the bottom of the stack. Anne of Green Gables is and has been one of my all time favorites. It is the 33rd impression, from September, 1912. Inscribed inside, and given as a Christmas gift in 1913. I'll show you more of this one later. It is incredible.
 And these just looked like good reads and now are on my list....
 My Georgia afghan is almost complete. I finally found the shade of cream I wanted to put it together. I have also begun...
 MORE SQUARES...... These are in a daisy block pattern. They are also joined as I go instead of saving all the squares and joining them in the end. Notice that there is no border color. Quite cool. I think I am addicted to these right now. I can't get enough of them. I am loving the colors and the calming of the stitching. I'll definitely keep going until the muse runs dry. hahahahahah
It's still HOT here. The heat wave has broken, but I have the air on today. My gingerbread dough is still in the fridge waiting to be turned into autumn leaf cookies. I have a bit of a sore throat and so am crocheting away.
Wishing you many colored blessings, Sue


Neener Bells said...

Mommy... it was all of our lucky days at the swap meet! Awesome swap meet trip...makes me want to go again! Love you


Anonymous said...

best bibs ever for the best baby ever :) you are so creative.

oh, and by the way...someone special's birthday is in a few weeks. and she really loves anne of green gables. just sayin'.
