We have been having some of the most beautiful sunrises lately. I was able to snap this shot just before leaving to take bug to school. Moments like these make me remember how amazing God is.

Since getting home from Georgia I have been purging. Getting rid of things that I no longer need or are useful to me. It feels really good. Keeping in mind our big move next summer and thinking about lugging it all with me when I go. I have really only moved a few times in my life and I have been in this home for almost 30 years.
Buff Orpington |
The beginning of this last summer, Allison brought home a rescued hen that she saved from drowning. She was fine for quite awhile even though she was blind and a bit "off". We decided to buy some chicks for her so she would have some companions. This worked wonderfully...
Silver Wyndotte |
We put them together and they became her "seeing eye" chickens. They lead her to the water and the food and in general looked after her. It was heart touching. Always one or two would be beside her and one would have physical contact at all time.
Artemus- Beautiful Boy |
While in Georgia I got the sad news that she passed. Sad but, we feel like we were fortunate to have her for as long as we did.
WHO ME ??? |
Just the other day I was thinking, yet again, "what the heck have I done" while out in the yard trying my best to herd all the hens and the rooster into the coop with Lily helping. Which is to say that she "herds" them by chasing them and they run like idiots squawking like they are being butchered. It is very loud.... and chaotic... and I ended up, panting, sweating, yelling at Lily to STOP IT. and Frustrated with myself for letting "things" get so out of control........ I swore a bit under my breath that something had to go... The Rooster??? Lily??? I love my hens.But there are just to many of them and not enough of me.
Americauna |
The very next day, our neighbor girl, the one I wrote about who walks her hens on a leash, called crying. Something had gotten into her hen house and killed all but one of her hens. She was devastated. We invited her up and let her pick out three hens to take home and be her pets. I offered the rooster but Allison loves him. I'm not fond of roosters in my hen house... they stir things up to much. He is so gorgeous, I must say and I do enjoy hearing him crow.
Things have now settled down a bit for me. I can actually get everybody back in the coop with-out having an anxiety attack or worse... Lily is banned and must watch from the inside, staring pathetically at me, probably thinking how much easier it would be if I would let her help me.
Still waiting for autumn to kick in, My mom used to call this, Indian Summer. I call it yuck. Its supposed to get to 100* today. Come on rain.......
Blessings, Sue
Momma, those chickens look delicious. I'm thinking with wing sauce?? HAHAH love you
HAHAHA Not funny... but I'll whip you up an omelette or quiche if you apologize to the ladies.. hahahahahaha ;0)
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