First off let me say that this may be a bit rambly. Read on if you like or just enjoy the pictures, It's just another perspective to consider, after all.
I had a "rough weekend" Some things didn't go as I had liked. But I believe they all went as God planned. Seth brought me these flowers yesterday when he came home from work. He thought they would make me happy. They did, but not as happy as the thought of him wanting to bring me something so beautiful to cheer me up. :) At any rate the following pictures are from my point of view this morning, along with a little story of what happened to me on my way home from taking Allison to school. 
I didn't take my usual route home this morning... I went through a neighborhood to see enjoy the flowers people have in their yards. I was thinking about my day ahead and some projects that I want to finish and some I don't.As I came around the curve, I saw this tiny woman, dressed in black with a cart beside her full of bags and "stuff" She was on her tippy toes leaning over a garbage can looking for something. Cans?? Breakfast??
My heart hurt.... My stomach felt funny.....
I didn't realize I had noticed so many details. I kept driving. I didn't see her face but I saw the black hat she wore.
Like so many times in the past I started getting angry. About stuff. About how many people are hungry in our very own country and how "so many" people have so damn much....selfish people... I kept driving.
I asked God about this. I have seen this so much... WHY???
I felt/heard a voice inside my head that said..." You did bake 2 loaves of banana bread yesterday"
Hmmmm I did indeed, BUT.... I was on my way home and I had thought about giving that loaf to my friend, Carol and enjoying a big slice in her company and having some tea and catching up..... And what about all the crap I have to do at home and I'm not even "dressed" for the day, I barely even combed my hair. AND to top it off, Allison forgot her stupid foam pumpkins in the back seat and now I'm going to have to drive them all the way back to the school.........
Then my heart hurt and my stomach felt funny. I ran into the house and grabbed the bread. I asked God if this was really what He wanted me to do could He please make me find her again.
I was driving back the way I came and THERE SHE WAS.... Walking on the side of the road. I pulled over and asked her if she liked banana bread. I told her that I had made this loaf and would love it if she would accept it. She smiled and smiled and laughed. I asked her if she liked walnuts because I put a ton in there and I told her how the eggs were from my very own chickens. She laughed some more. She blessed me and told me thank you. She has the most beautiful face and the most beautiful laugh.and a tiny pair of golden hoops in her wrinkled ears. I saw her hands up close and the light in her eyes. I will never forget. Lord, please help me remember the way I felt as I drove off....
And now I am back at home, Seeing the things I took pictures of to share with you, and remembering the details.
Have a blessed day, Sue
It is always a good idea to follow what you believe the lord is telling your heart. Good for you! You never know what is happening to the person next to you. You never know what their thoughts are, how they are feeling or what is truly happening to them--even if they try to tell you.
God will bless you for your kindness.
Thank you for sharing this Sue. I have had this same experience a few times. The last time I was in Spartanburg leaving Walmart and I noticed a man with a sign that said homeless and hungry. I went to Wendy's and brought him lunch. When we lived in El Paso, TX there were so many homeless that I used to carry peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cokes because I knew that I would encounter someone. Your story is a reminder to me that I need to do more.
Thank you
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