Time has gotten away from me this week. I have been working really hard on my web-site. I understand more now why people get paid alot of money to design them. It's not that it's hard, it's just that it is amazingly time and thought consuming. I am so excited though to share my passion with you all. I thought I might take a minute to share just a little bit of the amazing things God is doing in our back yard. The orange and lemon trees smell so good. The roses are blooming and my favorite tree is the most wonderful shade of green.
These rose's are really in MY backyard. Aren't they gorgeous. Now just so I don't give you the impression that its the garden of Eden around here. The other day I was out watering my flowers and looked down just in time to see a garter snake that had apparently lost the good fight to one of our kitties. YUK... but it was dead and my gallant 14 year old who is already a little annoyed at me being "such a girl" took care of it and threw it up on the hill. Not after of course my poor neighbor was disturbed out of his peaceful gardening thoughts to rescue me from the enormous vicious reptile. ITS A SNAKE, DUH !! I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS DEAD OKAY. I DON'T LIKE SNAKES. I WAS EMBARRASSED....... ANYWAY 
And this is what our sweet little BRAT kitty brought us. He was very gentle with it because it is in perfect health. My daughter A is the hero. she saved it's little life. She is taking really good care of it feeding it every 2 hours, and since it's fully feathered it will be just fine. I'm so proud of her. She named it Blessings and it's a loud little fella. Every young person needs to nurture something so helpless. I'm glad she has the opportunity. I'm also glad that this opportunity came to us during Easter vacation as I have already spent alot of my time nurturing small helpless "things" . HaHa

Our Kitty Benjamin is really a sweet little guy. He started out the usual way by bringing us Moths.. at which time we referred to him as Benny the moth slayer. Next he gave us a few giant grasshoppers, alive, in the house, but what can you do ... He was so proud. Next it was the alligator lizard, alive, minus a tail but still able to escape up the hill. I'm sure the snake was a present from him as well.
The other night I heard A screaming at the top of her lungs 'DROP IT BENNY, DROP IT BENNY'

And this is what our sweet little BRAT kitty brought us. He was very gentle with it because it is in perfect health. My daughter A is the hero. she saved it's little life. She is taking really good care of it feeding it every 2 hours, and since it's fully feathered it will be just fine. I'm so proud of her. She named it Blessings and it's a loud little fella. Every young person needs to nurture something so helpless. I'm glad she has the opportunity. I'm also glad that this opportunity came to us during Easter vacation as I have already spent alot of my time nurturing small helpless "things" . HaHa
Aww... Arent I amazing? * Covers face * no flash photography please... And really, the ben-myster is a devil in disguise... he looks like an angel... He walks like an angel... meows like an angel... but i got wise... he's a devil in disquise! Love you mommma!!
~Allison your REAL favorite daughter who you love more then Carley AND Jennifer! * hugs *
umm, number one, allison can't even spell my name. which doesn't bode well for our sisterly relationship. or for her slot as most loved daughter.
lovely pictures, mom! I wish i was there to see the rose bushes and lemon trees in bloom...i hope they still look that way in august!
i love you,
Eh hem, *Clears Through*
Carlye, i spelled your name wrong on PURPOSE... Insult? Butt nugget...
Aw, that little bird looks all belligerently drunk in the second pic. Drunk on its power of adorableness, I betcha.
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