I'm better now... Not much else to do about it. Must "get on with it all"

Happy Mothers day to me!!!!
I baked this new bread recipe this morning and I really like it!!! Easy and yummy. Guess everyone else likes it too since 1/2 a loaf is gone already. Baking always makes me feel better. Therapy..... I'm going to make enchiladas for dinner and sure wish Took was here to have some. I'm not going to make rice, just so she won't feel to bad. Let me know if you want the bread recipe and I'll be happy to write it in here.
I forgot to water this poor plant and it was completely wilted yesterday afternoon. Feeling guilty I rushed it into the kitchen and administered first-aide by way of the faucet. It completely came back to life. I thought I would share with you. It's called a monkey flower. And for most the morning it totally camouflaged the tottering heap of dishes I had decided defiantly not to do, which I couldn't stand any longer and ended up doing. (not that you really wanted to know that)
Well gotta go.. the girls are back from the store.

Well gotta go.. the girls are back from the store.
I leave you again with many Blessings, Sue
well, i sure wish i was there to have some enchiladas! cool fishtank!
Love the fish! I always had a tank, but now have a single lonely beta in the kitchen to keep me company. The bread looks yummy and of course I want the recipe. So glad you rescued the flowers. They are beautiful.
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