Sunday was the perfect day for it. It was a stormy day and everyone else in the house was gone. We lit a fire in the fireplace and made a pot of tea. It really was intoxicating. I never realized the aroma was soooo strong and not only in the blossoms but the leaves too. Of course we put some stems on the fire. The whole house smelled amazing. Luckily our tea was infused with caffeine or we may have just passed out. We did muster enough energy to hit a couple of yarn stores later in the day. hee hee. Oh Yeah... and I figured out that even though it's a romantic idea and I'm sure I would feel really good giving them to people and they smell great and people would love getting them...
...I HATE MAKING LAVENDER WANDS......BORING........YAWN........... A couple of sprigs tied with a bow will have to do.

When I was a little girl my Grama Merical used to come visit from Iowa every year. She taught me alot in the kitchen. She and I used to bake and bake and bake. I learned to make killer doughnuts, and sugar cookies that would make Santa leave a few extras under the tree. And Yes!!! Cinnamon Rolls. I have since then messed around with the recipes to be sure, because I can't leave anything alone, this batch wasn't the best, but still good. I love my Grama and I miss her. She's in heaven now, smelling up the place with heavenly yummy smells. Someday we'll bake together again.

The Dad and His Wein.... No not after a tummy full of cinnamon rolls. Him and J went for a hike at Steltzer Park. .........Warm fire, nice dinner, comfy chair.........

I never think much goes on around here till I sit to write. I guess theres really never a dull moment and for that I am grateful.
I close again with Blessings, Sue
Hey sis,
Wow awesome blog. The "he" man looks to relaxed, I just want to put his hand in warm water heehee... Sure would be nice to have a cinnamon roll and coffee with you this morning. not to mention the lavender smell to stink up my house yummm.. I'm still on the hopes you coming to Idaho this summer. I miss you so very much. hugs and kisses. Gabbee
Yo momma! Gotta nice setup on this comp dont yah ha ha... Buster and daddy look so darn cute... Arent I amazing? Arent my photography skills SWEET? Heh heh... I rock
Love yah
Your favorite daughter,
Allison AKA ~A~
Hey Sue!! Love your website and blogs!! Very creative!! Jennifer took some awesome pitures too!! See ya soon!!
Love the lavender and the yarn!!!
Your husband looks relaxed an cozy with the dog. I want a cinnamon roll too. Keep on keepin on!!!
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