.... Balance.... Hmmmmmmmm....
With coffee in mug I am putting this out to all.
I'm not sure I've ever really been very good at this.
Example being. Yesterday I set out to dye fiber and maybe drum card a batt or two. Upon walking into my laboratory , i mean kitchen, I noticed this deep unsettled feeling starting to surface. How can ones creative juices really get flowing while being clogged up behind a coffee maker that seems to have an inch of old gunk growing on it? A bean grinder that won't close for the grounds that have escaped its canister, not to mention that not one more plate or saucer could possibly be crammed into the cupboard because the tea-pots should be re-arranged into their own cupboard, along with the tea cups and pretty cake plates that should be arranged into their own not used so often cupboard, so that the get down to business mugs can have their own space. "long breath"
Long story short, I now have an amazingly clean, if not sparkling kitchen. ( I even bleached the grout) OCD OCD OCD true, even diagnosed, but that's not the point I'm trying to make here.
It was balance remember? I got no dying done, no colorful fiber hanging around drying, and the rest of the house is at best a train wreck. Well not counting the living room being vacuumed.
So this morning I'm trying to talk to AM about this and he suggests that I get out of the house (perhaps before insanity sets in too deep). NO.... I say that's not the point, it's balance... You see all these other women doing it. Why can't I??? He says. Why don't you plant some flowers??? You haven't done that yet. .................Hmmmmmmmmmmmm............................. True,true
And so the day will progress and we shall see what adventures are in store. Flowers are good. I do need to have my patio beautiful while I spin out there. They are colorful, like fiber.
And after all this the point is still balance. In my morning meditations I read that " A clear, visible, and well defined life-style" will help me in not only relating to other people, but myself.
I have always been a kinda go with the flow type person, (screaming and kicking if it wasn't just right) Meaning that for a large part of my life I have been a mom. I have given up pretty much the major hunk of me to this point, and loved it.. Now My Girls are becoming wonderful young women and I am having more and more time to "do my own thing".
Being glad that I nurtured "that" in myself I still know what "that" is.. Now just to make it work.... It will...... I'm not crazy.... Just figuring it all out...........
Closing for now with..... This is the day that the LORD has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!!!
Blessings Sue