When my sister and I were little we played for hours in the mud. We made pies, and patties. We make cakes and cupcakes.

We added special ingredients and then we baked them in the sun. They were beautiful. They were masterpieces. I don't remember what we did with them, or any of the details really, but I do know that many happy childhood hours were spent elbow deep in yummy gooey mud.

We didn't follow any specific recipe either, but I know they came out absolutely perfect every single time.

While going through some papers I happened upon a special paper. Actually alot of them but this is the one I'm going to share today. It is a recipe, dictated by my youngest daughter Allison and written by my middle, Jennifer. They must have been a bit older. You can tell by the language that they were for sure "past" the age of "actually" partaking in this activity any further. hahaha

Written exactly as seen:
Include a recipe for what??? mud pie?
1. Take a hand sized amount of dirt. Mix with water til pastey. Then place (place is scribbled out) spread on brick wall and wait until water evaporates and mud turns back to origonal state: dirt. Then, embellish with small ugly rocks and chicken feathers. Use sticks as you see fit.

Too funny!!!! I remember my girls playing in the mud for hours as well. I would peek out the den window and watch them. I remember seeing little mud patties all lined up on the brick wall. They were adorable. The patties and the girls. Wow, good memories.
I believe that if you were a child and were anywhere near some dirt and a bit of water, you enjoyed making some too.
What are your fond memories of playing in the mud and making delicious treats? I would love to hear about them.
Blessings, Sue
making mud bricks/pies/balls on the brick wall in the backyard is one of my fondest memories!
love you,
I loved watched your little hands all covered in mud. We even have your and your sisters hand prints in some foundation cement we have poured around here. Im bringing them with me when I leave!!
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