Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Caramel Apples

I haven't met very many people who don't like a great carameled apple. I started making these a long time ago, before I became a responsible parent (hee,hee), for Halloween treats for the kids on our block who came trick or treating.... I used to use the little caramels wrapped in clear cellophane and it was fun.... then I had my own kids and I spent so much time making costumes and going to carnivals, that the good ol' apple dipping was set aside. This year I decided was the year I was going to re-activate the tradition......... No pre-made caramel candies for me though........ I made this suckers from scratch...............
SCRATCH... You say.... Yep, I even shelled and chopped the peanuts. Oh Yeah!!!! Rolled some in plain sugar for the people on my list that didn't want peanuts. Aren't they LOVELY !!!!
Bummer is that I cooked the caramel WAY to long and we couldn't even bite into the little beauties. I ended up throwing them all in the trash. Oh we tried to enjoy them... gave it our best shots.......

Thankfully no one ended up like this !!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not giving up though. I'll even give yout he recipe when I get it figured out. hee hee

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