This is the newest member of our family...... Cricket. She is a Bay Appendix Mare. She is 6 years old and my youngest daughters dream come true. Don't they look cute together.

She is a bit under weight, but that is fixable fast and she is a sweet heart. She was here waiting for us when we got home. A gift from a very beloved lady friend.

So now you can see why the rest of our summer is going to be busy. She is staying at one ranch until she gets fatter ( too bad she can't eat my pies, or I could just give here some of mine) and used to Bug then we will be moving to another permanent boarding facility.

I'll show you more pictures as she fill out. Isn't she pretty?....
Wishing you the feelings of high calorie blessings without the high calorie consequences. tee hee, Sue
Hey! My surprise <3 I loveth her =)
WOW, That is a great surprise! I'm so happy for her.
Al she is beautiful.. now Mom and i will need to learn to knit with horse hair.. ha ha ha
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