I'm not sure if Ill have time to post again before vacation. We're going to Georgia. So I thought I'd leave you with these five things about me you may not know.......

1. When I was a little girl I had the biggest crush on Abraham Lincoln. I LOVED him. I read everything I could about him. I thought He was the most amazing man besides Jesus to ever walk the earth. I loved the facts of his growing up and used to picture him and me reading together by the firelight in some obscure log cabin somewhere. It wasn't really a romantic thing, looking back I think it was more respect.

2. I have always loved books. I read as often as I can, for as long as I can. I crave reading.

3. My most favorite book ever is The Holy Bible. Any translation is ok but MY Bible is a NIV Life Application. Its the one I go to every time.

4. One of my favorite things to do is look for old books. I go to the swap meet and thrift stores in search of the latest treasure to add to my collection. I love the smell, the feel and the thought of books. (I also like the smell of a new box of crayons but that's another story hee hee)

5. I decided long before I had my own children that I was going to make sure they could read well. (The best they could) My sister always had a hard time reading and I felt great pain for her struggles. I believed and and still do, that if you can read, you can do anything, go anywhere and be anything you want to be. My entire family now are readers. Yes!!!!!!!
Okay.... there you have it... 5 things..... Books.... Just one of the many facets in the gem of my life.
What are five things you want to share with me?? I can't wait to find out!!!!
Blessings until next we meet, Sue
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