I would like to introduce you to Sir Thomas Warren. He came to me as a rescue kitty and he brought a few friends (lets see, worms, ear mites, testicular issues etc.) But I love him. He is the sweetest most dear little man. We found him yesterday sleeping with Jennifer's bunny Driveway (he was found in the driveway of her boyfriend) Is this not too cute. They climbed into the cage together to sleep.

I finished these socks as well. They are Blue face Leicester, spun in finger weight, 2 ply. I named the colorway Berries and Cream because I'm just that original.
haha While knitting The girls and I were trying to come up with a more clever name, this is sometimes difficult to do, Since I gave this pair to Jennifer her name it is..... "Tongue after eating blueberries"
ewwww gross. As droll as my name is I like it better, What do you think?
Sometimes there is nothing better than a pink cupcake with sprinkles for no particular reason at all !!!!!

Another shot of Thomas sleeping while I knit. Did I mention how much I love him. He follows me everywhere even to the bathroom. He is a Lilac Siamese, and along with the breed comes his very loud and often meow. I haven't ever had a Siamese before and so while reading up I discovered that his crossed ( but amazingly beautiful turquoise blue ) eyes are
genetic and "they" have tried to breed it, out but he has them for sure. It doesn't bother him at all. Please don't mind his ears, remember I said he came with a few " friends " we are in the process of evicting.

Whats that I smell, Little Fat ? Potato Bread fresh and warm from the oven? Smothered in poppy seeds and begging for a big slab of butter? Whats that Little Fat, You think I'm being mean to everyone by going on and on about how yummy this bread is? and that I shouldn't do that because its not a very nice thing to do? and they will wish they could have some? WHATS THAT LITTLE FAT??????? Oh Yeah!!!!! giggle giggle

Blessings Sue
umm,mom, I do hope you realize that little fat cannot read your blog, or even understand english. the fact that you are repeatedly talking to him makes me more than a little worried for your mental health. oh well, i guess you ARE 50 now.... :) :)
anyway, i'm happy to finally see a picture of thomas! he looks so "doot" and "dinky" sleeping with driveway like that. bless his little heart. i sincerely hope he escapes daddy's maniacal spray bottle for yet another day of sweet, sweet life.
i love you!
Whats that little fat? You DO read moms blog and secretly understand english as well as spanish and the hardest language to learn, Chinese? WHATS THAT LITTLE FAT??!!! YOU KNOW KOREAN TOO? Say it ain't so Little fat! SAY IT AINT SO!
what's that, little fat? you think allison is a dummy for thinking that you are multi-lingual? what's that, little fat? you think that allison is very confused, because in reality you only speak the very difficult to learn gooby-nak dialect of eastern romania? say it ain't so, little fat! SAY IT AINT SO!
(by the way allison, i tried to RE-ERASE my entry, but it wouldn't let me because the dead elves are coming. THE DEAD ELVES ARE COMING!)
Ok, I'll bite, who's little fat? The cup cakes and bread look yummy! I love the new cat. You have such lively home. The sheep are fat with wool!!!
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