Even though I have lived my entire life in California and was subjected to much history by my parents, it wasn't until I had the amazing opportunity to home school our youngest that I became completely submerged in California History. As in every state, I am assuming, our children are required by law to pass an accredited curriculum on state history. I was able to teach this class to children for a few years. This has given me enough knowledge to be seriously dangerous.
The Kumeyaay Native American Indian people were the first to live in this area. When the first Spaniards got her they called them Dieguno.
Old Town is actually the "birthplace" of California and the first Spanish settlement. It was started at the base of "Presidio Hill" after Father Junipero Serra came in 1769 to build the first of 21 California missions. Each mission has a presidio to keep it safe. Interesting and fascinating stuff and well worth reading about.
The California missions play a big part in Ca. History and some say are quite controversial in the least. My opinion shall remain my own since I just want to pass this info on anyway. You can read much about it all at theSan Diego Historical Society website.

Kumeyaay basket
What I really want to talk about is the clothing that the Spanish women wore during their time living here. ( You can click on the picture to enlarge it)

It was HOT and DUSTY here much of the time, and yet these women wore an amazing amount of fabric. This dress is wonderful. The bodice is attached by about a million hook and eyes, and can be removed for cleaning as can the sleeves. The whole bottom ruffle is also detachable and was worn to keep the dust off the actual dress.

Aren't these boots beautiful. And the stole.

And I wonder if you could go back in time and talk to the "fine lady" who wore these undergarments if she would be totally blown away that her private things would someday be hung so brashly on a wall for all to see. If everything else she would find out about didn't kill her first. "I do DECLARE" oh wait thats southern huh? hahaha

But seriously check out the needle work on this chemise. Click it to see close up. Its all crochet and absolutely beautiful. The ladies who work in this shop are really nice and more than happy to pass on all their knowledge. (There was a nice bench for Daddy to sit on while I was in there)
Ok thats it for today more later...... xoxoxoxo Bloom where your plantedxoxoxoxoxo
Blessings Sue
i feel better already
i am always amazed by old garments as well, and all the detail that goes into them. i would like to go back to old town when i'm home again - i haven't been there in so long! i love you....
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