I haven't told to many people about this so the news is.. I was in a car accident on June 13th, the last day of school. A lady backed into me while I was driving Allison home from school. My car was pretty smashed up but Allison and I were fine ......... My car is now fixed by a very reputable company and back home. I was given a very nice rental car to drive the entire time. A 2007 Silver Mustang convertible, which I was VERY happy with. I did have some fun driving that thing around. You may have noticed, however that I haven't been showing you very much spinning and knitting lately and that is because..... My left shoulder was hurt during the accident. I thought it was going to get better but it's not, I have contacted the insurance company and they are going to cover all doctor stuff so I have to go get it checked. The problem is my hands are going numb. I can only knit a few rows and then my hands are asleep. BUMMER!! I'm afraid spinning is really hurtful sooooo on to better subjects...............

No word needed... Just a YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... will do!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the Broccoli Coleslaw that I make to go along with Ribs. Tookys favorite. The picture seems a little queasy but if you like coleslaw this is definitely worth a try. Unfortunately I'm a "thrower" when I cook so I'll try to give you the amounts as best I can.
3 or 4 soft ball size heads broccoli (chopped)
3 green onions (chopped)
4 or 5 pieces of bacon (fried crisp, and crumbled)
1/2 cup dried cranberries ( raisins are ok but cranberries are best)
1/2 to 3/4 cup sharp cheddar cheese (grated)
1/2 cup mayonnaise (NOT salad dressing)
1/8 cup sugar
1 TBS white vinegar
Whisk together all sauce ingredients and set aside. In a larger bowl, Chop and mix all ingredients. Combine and refrigerate at least an hour. Enjoy and God Bless. Any problems let me know.
Left overs of this salad are amazing but good luck with that. You may want to take a little bit out and hide it behind something in the fridge for the next day just to see what I mean.
I want to leave you with some the thoughts on perseverance. Or maybe sticking to your guns. or maybe just sticking up for your self or what you believe in or????????
You see this chicken, peacefully pecking the grass. Well she is the last of our little family of hens. We have had chickens for many, many years, since the girls were little. They have come in as chicks and well, honestly gone out as.. KFC for the coyotes that live around our neighborhood. (When children are little and moms are busy, putting the chickens "away"doesn't always mean the same thing to everyone)

This chicken is by far the most tenacious little thing I have ever seen. She has lived through all her coop mates demise and still comes off with grace and dignity. She came out unscathed in a viscous attack that left our oldest wiener dog (15) almost dead and bite marks on the other three ( we were on vacation). We didn't have Lily then.
She will have none of the 4 pestering wiener dogs that share her yard and does drink from their water bowl FIRST and even eats from their bowl while they stand BACK and watch. She rules the roost. I like her. I like to watch her peck around the yard. She seems not to give a darn what comes up, she just takes care of it at the time and keeps on pecking. She doesn't seem to hold a grudge, just slow and steady, peck... peck... peck. Then when she done she goes and finds a nice sunny spot and lays down. Hmmmmm either I need to socialize more or theres something to be learned here. Whatdaya think.
I have alot more to tell you. I found some cool places in San Diego to share with you but I gotta go now before my rear end adheres to this chair.
More sooner then later I hope, as I did figure out how to add links.... And as usual my prayers for you are Many blessings, Sue
Thanks dear friend for the wonderful recipe. I will try it very soon. I love broccli and cole slaw, so I bet I will like it. The chicken is really cute. While my granddaughters were here they each got 3 chickens. Then all the other cousins got some chickens. Now we have 16!!! can you believe it. I do love chickens so now we will have eggs next spring. I have had chickens all of my married life and some turkeys too, but we are sort of starting over. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
enjoyed a visit to your blog. I always long for home after I visit because it gives me that "homey" feeling, just as when I visit your house. Always enjoy your pictures and posts.
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