So far it's been a great summer. This is what Iam blessed to begin my day with if I choose. I bring my cup of coffee out to the patio and begin with my devotions and Bible study. As long as the feeders are full... I have lots of company.

These little house finches are fun to watch. This is a male, they bicker and argue and flitter around. We have plenty of feeders for everyone. I also have alot of goldfinches. They come later when things have settled down a bit.

This little dove comes every morning to clean up the mess from above. Theres actually a pair and they coo to each other. Quite endearing.

Oh yesssssss!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad you can't smell this one.. Hickory I believe...OH YEAH!!! This is the new BBQ we "all" got Daddy for Fathers day. He LOVES it. I LOVE it too. heeheh. Does it make you girls want to come home ?????????? Don't worry we'll fire it up when ya get here. I miss you so much.

Ok so what else is there to do when its soooooo HOT????HAHAHAHA This little poop isn't even supposed to be on the couch, neither is the one on the other end. But how can you resist such cuteness. Seriously we've been taking here to obedience classes. This is her 5th week. She really is a great dog. I'm not sure how obedient she is. Sometimes with her, Allison and Daddy here I feel like I have 3, 14 year olds to pester the living crud outta me.

The other evening it was very humid. One of the only really humid days so far. We really have had a mild summer. But this sky was so beautiful. This is out the front window. There was an enormous rainbow but by the time I grabbed the camera I just got the tail end of it. I thought you'd like it anyway.

Isn't is beautiful???.. NO words... Just pause.....

And for the grande finale....... I'm working on The Mystery Stole 3. A designer online has done this each year now for three years. I did it last year but wasn't blogging then. The design and pattern are a mystery. She releases a section of the pattern each week for 7 weeks and you knit along with other people. At the end she reveals the name of the stole and her thoughts about how it came to be. It's very fun. There is an online group that you can talk to or not. Very friendly helpful people. This year there are over 6500 people from all over the world participating. I'm just finished with clue 1 and shes releasing clue 4 this Friday. I waited a couple of weeks to see if I wanted to make it and decided definitely yes. Its beautiful and very fun to knit.
She has other patterns for sale on her blog if your interested. Her name is Melanie and her blog is Pinklemontwist. I don't know how to add links yet.

Half the fun is trying to guess the theme of the stole. Any thoughts?

It's not really crooked . I didn't by any means try to block it. I'm also working on a baby sweater for a good friend of my daughters but can't show it in case she peeks on here. Lots of other stuff to tell you but I'll wait for another day. I wanted to take some pictures of some special stuff but my batteries died. soooooooo next time..
Until then Many, many Blessings Sue
Oh mamma,
Sorry i act like such a fourteen-year-old, but heck, i cant help it :P I love you mommy!
Your favorite daughter in the whole wide world
~Allison ( AKA ~a~ )
hi sue, pretty sun set. I'm at the races every day and when I get home, I just die. I tried to join the MKAL3, but didn't do it in time, so didn't luck out. Hope you can save the pattern and walk me through it this next fall. When I am done working, I will try to learn how to knit better. Take care!
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