It is a long story... I'll condense. This is Thomas. Sir Thomas, actually. He is the first full blooded Siamese I have ever had. I love him... He was my love. You know how "they" say that you don't pick a cat but that your cat picks you. Well he picked me. We were buddies.
He slept on my bed, and sat on my lap while I read, stitched, computered... You get the idea. He can no longer procreate which is a pre -requisite to live in my house as a kitty. He is okay with that.
We got him while we still had Sassy, our matriarch kitty. She was the queen mother. The ruler of the mansion and had complete command of the bay window. She has passed now and is in heaven in the biggest bay window ever!!!
This is Mooky. Mooky is one of Sassy's babies, (refer back to pre requisite....this is why..haha) Mooky always stayed outside, even though all our cats can come and go as they please. She preferred to stay in the driveway and only came in at night. That is until Sassy passed... Then Mooky took over the bay window..
About the same time as, in fact just a week after Sassy left us, Allison rescued Charlie. Isn't she adorable.
Allison and I took turns feeding her around the clock. She had the night shift, I the day shift while she was in school. She was Allison's cat.
This is more what she looks like now. Remember how I said cats pick you not the other way around... Well Charlie picked me.. Ok that's cool. Not a BIG DEAL right. Except that during this time I left and stayed in Georgia for a month while my wonderful grand daughter was born. THOMAS HATES ME NOW!!!!!!!
Seriously... When I got back he wouldn't even look at me. He started hanging out at the neighbors house and stopped meeting me at my car when I came home. He belatedly would meow from across the street and then give me death stares as he waltzed his kitty self to they're front door... He sprayed on the wall by my side of the bed.......... ughghghghghghg
Fast forward to about 5 weeks ago.... Thomas is starting to hang out at home again. Mooky is now the queen of the bay window and Charlie sleeps on my bed most of the day and night. Thomas hates Mooky. Mooky hates Thomas.... Charlie tolerates Thomas and hates Mooky. Mooky is old. She just wants to hang in the window and be left alone. She deserves this. She is a sweety pie. I squirt Thomas and Charlie if they bother her. They all get loves and treats and are basically spoiled rotten. Still, Thomas hates me. I went to Georgia again for about 2 weeks this time. He sprays on EVERYTHING OF MINE HE CAN.
He peed in my mint.... and on my sewing machine. I still love him.. MY MINT AND MY SEWING MACHINE!!!!!! What the heck.... THOMAS...... I still love you..... 
I cleaned my machine and I'm going to have to buy more mint. Even though it's "coming" back since I flushed the heck out of it with water, I just don't think I can ever put it in my tea or food again... Cat pee tea???? Not for me...... I will always love Thomas. I will love him back to not peeing on my things. This is just a bit of the "cat drama" going on right now. Thought I'd share. Thanks for listening. I think I'm over my writers block now.....
Blessings, Sue
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