My name is Sue.... And I am a piddler.
Peach Blossoms |
Piddle: verb, To dawdle
Piddling: adjective, Amounting to very little, trifling
Urban Dictionary definition: To waste time, procrastinate, to fool around nonsensically in order to waste time.
more peach blossoms |
And I am perfectly ok with it!!! It comes naturally to me. It must be in my genes. I get it honestly, my mom was a piddler. My grandpa was one as well. I'm sure it goes way back.
Potato vines that have expired |
The truth is that I get alot more done during my piddling time then when I make a list and try to adhere to it. Weird huh? Any way today was a piddle day and look at what I got done before noon. And I got some stitching done and read my devotions and everything.. WOW.
These are my potato's. Remember back when I told you about popping those seed potato's into the pots and seeing what would happen. Well Seth went out yesterday and found these beautiful little babies. Some of the vines are still alive and I know you're not supposed to pull them up until they die back. I will mash these up with some butter, salt and pepper and let you know how they taste. I'm looking forward to more.
The biggest ones are about the size of one of my huge chicken eggs. Cute.... yes????
While out in the yard messing around...I mean piddling around I decided it was high time to get the starters, started of my geraniums I want to take with me to Georgia.
My hill has been covered with this geranium plant since we moved in here. They just keep growing and growing. We never water them. Seth has even cut them way back a few times and they are always so beautiful. I look forward every year to the pink blooms.
Sarah loves to look around under them. There are lots of tasty treats among the leaves.
Brought them in and put them into water.
I also started rooting some of my jade plants to take with me as well. Getting ready, slowly but surely.....
Popped a couple of loafs of bread into the oven as well. Boy does it smell good in here.
And I even found this little treasure in the grass....I mean dirt..... I mean yard...... hahahaha
So you tell me. Do good things come to people who manage they're time wisely, making a list? Or To those who fly by the seat of their pants, playing it by ear so to speak?
Me thinks it comes to those who get off their butts and stop over thinking every little thing to death.... hahahahah
Blessings, Sue