This is the first year I have gotten plums off this tree. and I was hoping to have enough to make some plum jam, but after eating a few I ended up with only 2 pounds. I needed 4. so I bought 2 more lbs. at the store and jumped in.

This being my first plum jam, I had a few new techniques to use. Although I have done this with tomatoes and peaches I had never used this method on plums. Simply dip the plums a few at a time into boiling water, then quickly plunge them into ice water and the skins just slip away!!! Here they are hot tubbin'.

They are like precious little jewels. So sweet and juicy. The colors were gorgeous, like a summer sunrise.

I was searching for a recipe and contemplating several, but most of the ones I found used other fruits and the purist in me couldn't handle that right now. hahahahaha I mean I was already substituting 1/2 with store bought. I have to thank Lisa, for encouraging me to go ahead and make it. She told me she used the recipe right off the sure gel box and I highly recommend it! This is the BEST!!! Pretty darn sweet, cause it uses a heck of a lot of sugar. but it jam for heaven's sake, You only use a teaspoon on your toast, right? :) hee hee.

I got 4 pints and a bit in another jar to put in the fridge to consume IMMEDIATELY!! I love the color so much I'm going to try to duplicate it in some yarn. Wouldn't that be the cutest little Emmaline mittens!!

So encouraged was I, that I whipped up some blueberry jam as well last night. Its just as delicious, though not homegrown. I love anything blueberry. In Georgia they have pick your own blueberry patches open to the public during June. Guess what we will all be doing soon, girls? wink, wink grandbaby in tow!!!!!

Check out this adorable plant I found. I thought it was a lambs ear and was so excited.. but when I read the label its called an African Felt Plant. Even cooler since Iv'e never seen one before.

This is pretty much how I feel right now having walked past.....

THIS....Why yes, yes it is , my candy dish... Is it??? why yes it is.... still COMPLETELY FULL after an entire WEEK. Oh My Gosh....... I have no words... I'm amazed... this just does not happen in this house... Whats the world coming too. hahahahahahahahahahhahaahah

I'm glad I got all the jam made in the last few days. I went out last night and am happy to say...

My little peach tree has out done herself this year. I got a grand total of 6 peaches last year which were hastily consumed... but this year I'm gonna get some jam!!!! YAY!!!!!

Aren't they amazing!
1 comment:
that color would make the cutest little baby mittens!
and guard that candy bowl...i'm sure a certain someone's arrival for the weekend may deplete it's resources :)
i love you,
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