Hi everyone, sorry about the sporadic posting. My lap top died. Luckily I still have the home computer but even so, I haven't really made the time to get on here.
This picture is from July 2007. I found it in the picture file on here. Kinda cool looking back at all the pictures we have on here.I've been busy getting ready for my trip to Georgia. Got my new glasses today, and I'm hoping to be able to get a new lap top to take with me.
I still have a bit of sewing to do and other things that are secret for now. (sorry took) hee hee.
I'm still taking picture and as soon as I can I will get them on here.
Stay cool, drink lots of water and enjoy your days!!!!
Blessings, Sue P.S. The tea in the picture is Celestial Seasoning True Blueberry. I still drink it almost every day! No caffeine. Sometimes I mix it with green tea or Ceylon black tea for a kick. I highly recommend. YUMMY STUFF