Now that I have your attention.... hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhhahhahaahah

I'm getting ready for Jennifer and Seth to drive back to Georgia. I've got quite a list of things to do since I'm going to be taking advantage of the car. It's tough to pack some things for the mail, not impossible, just challenging.

So I spent the morning getting the pickled beets ready! I got 6 quarts. All sealed.

I put some Walla Walla onions in with them this time. I think they should be really good.

Tuesday I made pickles. yes, again... the others are already gone. I want to make sure these have a chance to sit for the intended 4 to 6 weeks. (like that will ever happen).

At first I thought that peeling all this garlic would be a really boring chore and since I couldn't figure out how to get my kindle to read out loud to me the novel I'm currently engrossed in (I have since figured it out..not that difficult..felt kinda dumb hahahha). I really thought I was going to go nuts doing it. but as it turned out... I really enjoyed it. I thought about all kinds of things and before I knew it ...they were peeled. I even looked twice through all the skins to make sure I hadn't missed any, it went that fast. It's amazing how much your mind can help or hinder. There was a lesson here and I hope I can apply it next time as well.

I found these dried chili's at Kaelins in bulk. They are exactly the perfect ones for just the exact amount of zippy spice I love in my dills.

Pickling spice. The ingredients are so darn pretty. And the quality great. I thought you might enjoy looking at them as much as I do. I wish you could smell them as well.

I made sure that Larry wasn't in here and then washed them up real good.....I mean well, Allison. hahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahha

Whats that thing called.. The Polar Plunge, i think.. I cut them up and soak them in ice water for about 2 or three hours. This really does help them get crispy. It also freezes the heck out of my hands as I'm packing the jars but I have a system now ... Pack two jars, fill with brine, wipe and put lids on and lower into waiting hot bath. By this time I have all the feeling back in my fingers and its time to... yep.... pack two more jars... hahahahah

Oh but just look at all this Dill- ish-is-nesssssss. Oh my gosh... I love these. Aren't they the prettiest shade of green you have just about ever seen. I got 9 quarts of these babies and 1 quart of carrots. One of the pickles didn't seal.... I put it in the fridge...It's already gone.
These things just don't last around here I tell you.
So Took, some are coming your way.. get ready.
Blessings, Sue
I can't wait! My belly is growling as I type...I'm going to eat so many pickles I may throw up :)
love you,
......... You don't DESERVE any pickles! What did you ever do for us? =P
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