Remember Charlie? Well she is 8 weeks now. I know, where does the time go. she is ready to begin her shots. She is a dear, sweet little thin, who follows me around all day long. Thomas, our Siamese, thinks he is the Daddy and takes excellent care of her. He is teaching her how to be a "cat". You remember that my daughter, Allison, rescued her from the Ag. dept at her school. With this in on.

I get a text this morning from Allison telling me that she is having a rotten day. She found a baby chick in the bottom of the water bucket in her Ag class. She said it was limp, with mouth gaping and breathing really bad when she pulled it out. She tried to resuscitate it and told her teachers. They told her to "finish it off" and throw it in the dumpster. GRRRRRRRRRRR.Allison began crying, the other idiot kids began laughing at her and she took the chicken and hid it in the corner of the coop. It was limp and still not breathing well. When I went to pick her up she asked if she could go check on the chicken, fully expecting that someone in the last class had thrown her away already. LO AND BEHOLD...........

She is still alive. And now living in our house. This is a picture of her under the heating lamp, resting. (thats the red color) She is doing much better now. She pooped and according to Allison, this is a good thing. Her eyes are whited over and I believe she may be blind. She was truly near death. If not for the caring and loving heart of Allison, she would be in heaven now. We are calling her..Fortunate... I'll keep you updated on her well being.

We decided, rather quickly, that to keep her company we should buy a few more chicks. One of my hens passed last week and our little brood was down to one really, really old Barred Plymouth and three others that are still laying. We called several feed stores and found just the ones I wanted. Left to right the little yellow ones are Buff Orpingtons and the blacks are Silver Wyndottes.

The one in the far right hand corner is an Ameraucana. She is light brown with a darker brown stripe.

I wanted Araucana's but was told these are Ameraucana. There is a difference I have learned. Though both are blue and green egg layers the ameraucana is not as rare and an easier breeder. She also has head muffs and a beard. were the Araucana has ear tufts. They both have the blue or slate legs. They are just as hardy and sweet and that is what matters to me. My other Araucana's were a favorite of mine and I'm glad to have some again.
I was the little girl who brought home the strays. I know Allison's heart. I have always been fascinated with her hands. When she was a very little girl I would watch her and the way she was with our animals. So gentle even then. Her hands are blessed. She has a gift. Well many really but this one shines. She has a sense about animals. She knows them, and she loves them and for this alot of animals are very, very fortunate indeed. I AM PROUD!!
Blessings, Sue