I'm still here... My poor computer stopped working. Seth spent many hours figuring out how to fix it. It would have cost $120.00 for the shop "just to open it". Thanks to him I have a new fangled fan that my lap top sits on and its running like new!!! I have really missed writing here.

While I was "away" I made some good progress on my baby blanket....

There was a lot of this going on.....
I've been able to reduce my pain medication by 1/2 and the mental difference is amazing. My thoughts are more clear. I love it!!!

And we got our first egg of the season!!!! I'm thinking it was one of my Rhode Island Reds. I was sitting in the living room, knitting away and I heard her proudly proclaiming her feat!! Yeahhhhh If you have never had the opportunity to eat and cook and bake with fresh homegrown eggs, You should seek out finding some in your community. They are absolutely the best!!!
More later.. Just wanted to check in and let ya'll know I'm still kicking!! hahahahahhaah
Blessings, Sue
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