Of course we had entertainment with our dining experience.....
Of course we got the coveted Carmel Apple. Honestly, we have been getting these all my girls lives. I remember letting them eat them before lunch, this being one of my first parental decisions I felt sort of guilty about!!!! They would make a giant sticky mess and I loved watching them eat them as much as they enjoyed eating them. ( I made Daddy hold that apple just so, for the picture. I really wanted to take a picture of his cute little facial expression..but passed... can't press my luck hee hee)
I miss spinning so much!!! One of the things I'm looking forward to the most is getting back into this beloved art. These sheep belong to Janet and we actually buy Allison's goat for her FFA project from her every year.
This is an oak tree that I have loved for years. I wait to see it and look for it each time we go. Its just the perfect tree, in the perfect meadow..always, no matter what the day or what the weather.
and of course we stopped at Dudley's. I got a loaf of Apple Walnut bread. Its in the freezer right this minute. Awaiting my recovery mornings. To be served toasted and slathered in pumpkin butter. Oh yeah!!!
I always love seeing Smokey!!!! When Seth and I were dating he worked for the US Forest Service. He dressed up in the Smokey the Bear costume for a parade in my small town. I fell in love with him even more as I watched him walk around the park holding the hand of this cute little girl who was just in love with Smokey.
Thanks for sharing my day with me..... More soon... Blessings, Sue
1 comment:
you aren't supposed to have fun without us! not fair :(
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