This is Carlye and Matt's Home. They are the most gracious Hosts ever. When you walk into this house you can feel the love. Not only their love for each other , but their love and devotion to serving the LORD. They have turned this house into a home.

This is the view from the kitchen window!! Even though I didn't have to wash one dish while I was there, my thoughts were that I could spend the next half of my life looking out a window like this and seeing a similar scene. (I know your looking only at the lawn and thinking how awful it looks but lets be real here, not everyone knows how much time and effort you two have put into your grass, just to watch the sun bake the life right out of it this summer. It looks wonderful to me!!!!)

This is the kitchen nook where I had my coffee and we had our meals. You can see the deck out the window and the hummingbird feeder I was telling you about in the last post. This is too, where I sat and peeled apples and watched two twitterpated squirrels, chase and jump from tree to tree. Its a nice place to sit and relax and I actually spent alot of time here because you can see the front and back yard at the same time, and we were so busy creating!!!!!!

This is the view from the library. It is in the front of the house and looks out to the front porch and yard. I sat here during an amazing thunder storm and watched the lightening and rain like it never rains in California.

Ahhhh the front porch swing. I sat out here some evenings and watched the fireflies blink and felt the breezes blow on the back on my neck. It was HOT and HUMID, but the breeze was refreshing and the sounds of the crickets and birds, was nearly overrun by the cicadas music. I'm not kidding, if I closed my eyes I would have sworn it sounded like one of my relaxation Cd's.
The fireflies are magical, and if I live to be a thousand years old I will never stop being amazed by them.

I also saw another wonderful creature and that is a cardinal. Wow!!! Is God amazing or what? Only He would have thought to make a bird so brilliantly RED. Hmmmmmm just one more reason to LOVE Him.
Ok so this is it for today, since I really never asked if I could put pictures of your house online. I would love to show some of the little vignettes I took if you don't mind.
More pictures tomorrow....Be here or Be square!!! hahahahahaahhaahahahhahhahahhahahaha
Blessings, Sue