I"m talking about the REALLY important spiritual get down to it stuff. I don't really NEED much to live......HAHAHA you say.... Well I'll be the first to admit that I am a teensy bit spoiled, ( this is not my fault...I'm so darn lovable that my family and friends just lavish me...what can I say) But seriously I can bring it down to a very small list.
My Faith...My Family...My friends.... and yes in that order. God really means it when He says He will never leave you or forsake you, He was there with me the whole time... My Family...What can i say..I have the most amazing, caring and loving family and my friends, well the ones who count, always count.............
I have missed writing on here. I made a determination in the beginning to only write uplifting or encouraging things to you, my dear readers, so I begin again...........
These are pictures from my point of view..... on the couch....since around January 15th or so...There are more and I may share them later, but this gives you an idea of just how BLESSED I truly am...
Blueberry Cake, made from scratch by Carlye with big, fat, juicy organic blueberries. The cake was from scratch and she drizzled it with lemon sauce and real whipped cream....OH YA!!!!!
My son. The one God chose to be the husband of my first born. He is not only handsome, but truly a man of God, intelligent, funny, strong and gentle...in fact everything I prayed for and more!! I love you ,Matt.
There were discussions in the kitchen.......
And dinners made with love....
Of course there was knitting, and knitting and knitting....This is sleeve number one of a cardigan I'm making for myself. Since as soon as I recover from this surgery I'm having another one on the other knee. Total knee replacement this time... I thought a big project would be appropriate. This is being dubbed my recovery sweater.. Of course I devoured a few good books in between.
Oh yes and when would a day be complete without....weener dog snuggles.

And a weener dog blanket. Of course Thomas is right in there as well.
A get well package I received from Carlye and Matt before they arrived. This is Carlyes very first cross-stitch and with it she gave me a much loved Bible verse to ponder.

And a weener dog blanket. Of course Thomas is right in there as well.
So that just about wraps it up. I'm still here, on the couch a lot, taking less pain medication, and getting antsy... But hopefully I won't be away from here again for awhile.
I'll close with a picture of one of the bouquets of flowers I received ...You see I am truly Blessed. Thanks for letting me share it with you and Come back again soon......Until then...I wish for you Many,Many Blessings, Sue
I think you must be a photographer. Your pictures are always so beautiful. I hope your knee is healing good. I guess you are out of commission for spinning. I just did a weekend cotton spinning workshop. What fun. Cotton was easier than I thought it would be. Now to spin enough to make something.
Sheena, Thanks for writing..I always look forward to seeing your comments. Believe me I have a point and shoot camera for idiots. I'm spinning in my dreams!!!!Sue
mom, matt says that the picture you posted of him makes him look chubby. he requests that it be replaced with a shot that makes him look like a fabio-esque muscle man. poste haste.
Seriously??? I love this picture!!! It shows just were I like to plant my kissy cheek kisses. If he is serious I will remove it. We all know that its the way he is holding his head, I guess I could put the one with his dazzling baby blues, but I have a G rated blog. hee hee xoxox
Seriously??? I love this picture!!! It shows just were I like to plant my kissy cheek kisses. If he is serious I will remove it. We all know that its the way he is holding his head, I guess I could put the one with his dazzling baby blues, but I have a G rated blog. hee hee xoxox
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