I finally got my donut pan!!! I have been wanting one for quite awhile now and Jennifer and I stopped by Cost Plus Sunday, one of my FAVORITE stores, and there it was just waiting for me. And on sale too.....

So this morning I awoke to the soft patter of rain..Do you really believe that??????.. I really awoke to the sound of Allison's stereo blaring something like this...Billy Bob loves Charlene... In letters three foot high and the whole town said the fool should of used red but it looked good to Charlene....blah blah blah.... and dogs barking and the girls laughing and all the lights on etc. you get the idea..but I regress... I'M TELLING THE STORYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

So I really did look outside and see it was raining and thought to myself...Perfect... I'm making donuts. They turned out perfect. After the girls left, I put a log on the fire, lit some candles and mixed up some blueberry batter. While still hot from the oven I put them into a baggie with powdered sugar, and brewed a pot of coffee.

Seth came home just in time. We sat and talked and enjoyed our coffee and donuts and fire. Best start to the day ever!!!!!

Now he is jogging, Henry and Pearl are singing their sweet songs to me, I took a darvocet, and I'm going to do some stitching. In front of the fire, with the candles, and maybe ...just....one....more... donut.... they are baked remember!!!