If you have been reading my blog for awhile you may remember past Christmas Gingerbread houses. Well its that time again......... I'm having a rough time this year. Things change. And this is the very first year that my oldest daughter will not be home on Christmas day. Before you break out the Kleenex box, let me tell you that she and my new son are coming in February for a long visit and so we will do all our celebrating then. but for now....... this sucks................................
I decided to go through our Christmases of past pictures, and had a really good laugh when I came across this set.

This is Allison's " I love dinosaurs" phase. This was a really longgggggg phase.It started around 2 years old and lasted for just about ever. She can still do a heck of a dinosaur sound for daddy, ( that's another story) She was also allowed to watch Forest Gump that year which is why... if you click on the picture..... you'll notice...... that the dinosaurs have actually attacked the poor little gingerbread man in the lower left corner and eaten his legs. She nicknamed him lieutenant Dan. If you look really close you can also see one going down the chimney.
We are not demented... really... but sometimes when you have kids........ you just gotta laugh....

So back to the present... And the Gingerbread house evolution theory.

Things have become a bit more complex. We have grown ...... We notice a bit more details......

I LOVE the lacy rooftop.......

The pine tree is exceptional.... Things take a bit longer to work through ... Some details are more important than others....

Trying not to pick it to pieces however......

Will just never change....... Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
mmm mmm! i miss the dinosaurs though...
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