WARNING: Lots a cuteness ahead!!!!!! Almost everyday I go to a website called
www.cuteoverload.com Yes I love looking at the cute animals. It provides some softness to a sometimes more harsh day. It comforts the little girl in me.
Today I thought I would show you what a typical morning at my house is like. This is of course after the morning rush of getting ready for work and school and things have settled back down.
Ha ha ha
Imagine the morning sun coming in through the front windows, the smell of freshly ground and brewed coffee and yes even though they have had a rough night sleeping, and have been sleeping still more since the early morning alarms went off. Its time to finally start the day.....
This is Lily.... Long hard stretch before the games begin, Of course shes been snoozing since the wee hours......

Buster and Gus.... You see the thing about Buster is , Hes the care giver doggy and during play he will start randomly grooming ears and eyes and the others get a tad irritated with him for it.

Buster and Lily... Just after this shot she got her ears cleaned as well.....



Gus and his beloved ball


And during it all Sassy is able to keep dreaming away along with


Did you ever see anything so dang cute?????

Pictures taken by Jennifer, just this very morning. Thanks for stopping by. Remember, I do love to read comments from you if you come by!!!!! Whats it like at your house????
6 am - wake up and hit snooze twice. 6:15 - finally get up and take a shower. Matt lets the dogs out of the laundry room, and takes them outside where they run around like crazed wild beasts and bark at squirrels. Benjamin comes inside and meows at my feet like he's starving and emaciated while I put my makeup on and dry my hair. Then we feed the wild beasts, and they watch us pull out of the driveway from between the fence posts. Ahh, mornings.
Uhhhh....WHOA.... DUDE....I am woman in AWE!!! Holy shaamoly Sue...I cannot believe how creative you are with this blog! Totally amazing photos...by george, I am actually hungry looking at all the succulent food you cook...and I am NEVER hungry!! I wanna come live at your house...YUMM!! Your family is certainly lucky to have such a woman as yourself as their queen! ;) What an extremely KEWL thing to do for friends and family, and especially for the baby you miss so out there on the east coast. What a comfort for her homesicknessness. :) Keep on doin all the wonderful, creative things you do sis!
Much Luv,
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