There is no other reason for showing you these beautiful mums except that they are really beautiful !!

Sassy has made her position as top dog... err cat... well known around here lately by staking out the best snoozing locations.

I have always been a believer of natural home remedies and put off medicines to the very last. One of my tried and true flu, cold and general yucky Fall and Winter get rid of the gunkkies is Lemon, Ginger root and Honey tea. I will swear by this forever. This year I'm trying something a bit different and that is..... Instead of grating the ginger root and lemon into water and simmering, I have sliced lemons, ginger root and put into a one quart jar. Then I covered it with honey.
Oh My Gosh!!!! I love it. The honey becomes more liquid as the ginger and lemon are absorbed. It is PERFECT!!!!! Just add some too a cup of water and zap in microwave to get good and hot.
The lemon is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. It helps purify and detoxify the body, and helps fight congestion.
The ginger root gets your digestive tract going and has sedative properties to help you rest. It is anti-bacterial and antipyretic which means helps to reduce fevers.
And honey has been used for years for sore throats and coughs. It coats the throat. It is also ant-bacterial and antiseptic. Egyptians and native American people used it to dress wounds.
I don't profess to be a Doctor or anything but for my family, this is the way to go.... If anything else it'll make you feel good because its YUMMY.

And are these not the cutest little punkin hats. My neighbors daughter, has just had two of the most beautiful babies. Twins, a boy and a girl. I can't wait to see them in theses.

Just tooooooo cute !!!!!!

These were easy and fairly quick to knit up. Let me know if you want the pattern.