For as long as I can remember, and we've lived in the same house for 24 years, the parrots arrive, in full squawking glory, at this same time each year. I count on it. It means that Autumn is coming soon. When I used to raise lovebirds they would come right into our yard, landing in the trees and on top of the aviary to see them. They are LOUD and beautiful, and they make me happy. I liked to think that they were migrating up from Mexico, and until recently this is still what I assumed.. Recently, however, I've been reading about the many feral parrot flocks, in many major cities, and specifically Southern California. No one really knows how they began, and there are many theory's. I still lean towards the Mexico thing.
They are Amazon Parrots. This is a picture of what one looks like. Southern California is the perfect climate for them and since we have many palm trees and eucalyptus trees ( none which are native ) The birds thrive here.

The picture below is of two feral Mexican parrots. I tried to get pictures myself but it just wasn't meant to be. It's fun to read about them.. Try Google.
We're having a bit of a heat wave here now. Its got to 103* at around 1:30 today. Thank you Lord for my Air Conditioner. I don't know how I survived for so long without it.

Stay cool, Stay calm, and carry on........ Blessings Sue
103? geez. it's much cooler here than that now. more incentive to move to georgia! that and the new baby in my belly...
just kidding. had ya goin' for a second there, didn't i?
but i would consider getting a baby stuck in my belly if you would consider getting stuck in GA.
Wow Awsome birds. We have so many little love birds and finches from the old Ramona bird farm. The farm is gone now, but the birds are still around.
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