After a really rough start on Monday, late to a much awaited Drs. appt. because I coudn't find the insurance papers, that I didn't remember I needed to take until I was walking out the door. And then realizing that even after the 23 + years that I ahve lived in this town that I didn't know which end of Main was East , and after calling Seth to rescue me with directions to the darn place I still went to the wrong office that was closed, with the sign saying open Tues - Thurs. DAMN....
I had a wonderful afternoon... Picked up Buggy from the ranch and we went to Wal-mart.

Wal-mart ????? you say...... Well yes and here is why it was so good. First I had Buggy with me and we were getting along really, really well.... And I found this..... A beautiful Spider plant that, is soooooo huge I had to transplant it up at least 3 pot sizes, for 50% off because it was bursting out of it's pot... DEAL... We also found three pairs of jeans for school ( this is a miricle). Jeans and she was being nice to me... no way. hahaha...
Since then it's been really good since I was able to re-schedule the appt and make it this time.
So with coffe cup in hand, this morning I went out to my patio to enjoy the beauty God brought me this morning. My Basil is doing really well... Isn't it lovely?

The Imatiens are'nt looking the least bit impatient to me.....

And someone else enjoyed my little pice of heaven last night just the same way I do. Though I can't compare my weaving to the intricate beauty you see here. She/He was is much more industrios then me.. Takes me alot longer too. Maybe the "spider plant" seemed an invitation??haha

My friend has always wanted me to make some "single ply" and to be quite honest it has always scared me a bit. My thought are you can pretty much "fix" any "too much twist" spots with plying. So I did it..... 2 oz. Silk/Merino that I got a while ago. Lace Weight, lots of yards, I can't remember right now. I'm not scared anymore... Thanks Susan.

I will close for now as somthing has arrived in the mail, a package from New York.... Dun Dun Dun........
Blessings, Sue
Hi kiddo, great yarn. Noro has nothing on you. We need to pick a knitting day. Think about it. I'm serious. Talk to you soon I hope.
-cough cough- Excuse me? Arent I ALWAYS nice to you???
Yeah, that's exactly what I thought.
Love your post, Mamma. Beautiful pictures. I love you!
AKA "Buggy"
And also known as "The most favorite daughter"
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