Happy Easter!! We had a wonderful, peaceful day. We were very happy to find our first egg this morning. We've been anticipating this for a while now and at long last here it is.
Ahhhhhh a real
Easter egg!!!!!

This is how much my
little ladies have grown. They are
beautiful, aren't they!!!!!! The black one is called a "Jersey Giant" She is supposed to lay enormous eggs. I have never had one before so she was a just for fun pet purchase. The Tan in front is a Buff
Orpington and the red to the far right is a Rhode Island Red.

This just so happens to be our BBQ and not intended for any
macaube puns, but just so happens to be the chicken thighs. (sorry) We also had a yummy
Tri-tip and all the

Now if we could just get them to start laying these little treats we'd be set.

God Bless you all. Sue
Love your egg Sue. My chickens started laying this winter, before Christmas. We got them during June of last summer. This is the first time I have seen new chicks start laying so early. We are getting between 9 & 12 eggs a day. I have sooooooo many eggs. I absolutely love Chickens!
um, if those chickens start laying cadbury cream eggs, could you stick a chicken in a box and fedex it to me? because that sounds like one of my wildest dreams come true.
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