We have had a busy week. It started off with the flu and a cold and ended up with a romp on dog beach. I especially like this picture with all the feet!! Gus and ball leading with Allison and Lily close behind.

There are times when I'm ready to load it all up, pack it into a moving van and find someplace new. A fresh start, somewhere... you know... Where the grass may be greener? hahahaha

And then I get back to my senses and think about just where it is that I live right now. We just had a wonderful winter storm. Rain, cold wind, fire in the fireplace and temps dipping rather low for here ( it's really 56 degrees right now) My poor sister in Idaho is snowed in.

These pictures were taken at Mission Trails after the storm. The creeks are full and it really is beautiful. And whattya know the grass is even kinda green.

More later....til then Blessings Sue
You are right! we are so blessed. I also want to pack it up and move, but then I talk to my DIL Barb in Kansas where it is 16 with a wind chill of -2 and I think maybe I"m already on the greener side. What if I am??? Better just get happy to be here. Take care!
mom, trust me...you are on the very very very green side. i would send you a picture of desolate maryland right now, but it might bring tears to your eyes at the sheer horror of it all. i love you!
I love you so much! I enjoy reading your blogs! You know what inspires me about you? Amid all your deep thoughts and second guesses, you still count your blessings and think possitive. I love you
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