Living in Southern California does have its blessings (ok MANY blessings) This is what I wake up to at this time of year. From my bedroom window, the back hill comes alive with what we affectionatly call "sour grass" Pretty little neon yellow flowers that grow on a long stem from a bunch of clover and filled with the most sour "juice" you can imagine. I know this first hand because when I was little my siblings and I probly ate enough of them to have permantly puckered mouths. They smell so fresh and springy that you just want to tuck in your nose and inhale hard. That kind of smell.
When my girls were little I told them that I loved these flowers and so of course one of my favorite memories is that of a little fist thrust proudly into my face, over flowing with yellow, spring time and love followed by a little voice stating " These are for you, momma" Needless to say I always had glasses, jars and whatever else I could find filled to overflowing with them. (If you eat to many of these at once you can get a real stomach ache) and so I told my girls just what my mom told us so they wouldn't eat too much " The reason they taste like that is because the dogs pee on them" Mean huh?? Didn't stop us ....... or them...haha

"My Tree" begins to bud as well and the fever sets in. Though I have been here long enough to know that to start planting too many things now is just for not. Because you see these days are just a tease and soon we'll have weather back in the high 60's and fog and hopefully more rain. (we do need rain here, always) And honestly I'm not altogether ready to stop having fires in the fireplace yet ......

(I got a new camera and so am trying lots of different things. Bear with me ok)
" Honey bees are social insects and live in colonies. Each colony is a family unit, comprising a single, egg-laying female or queen and her many sterile daughters called workers. The workers co-operate in the food gathering, nest building and rearing the offspring. Males are reared only at the times of year when their presence is required." --Bees of the World---

"It takes honeybee workers ten million foraging trips to gather enough nectar to make one pound of honey" --Bees of the World--

I have had very many cats in my lifetime, but none have grown more attached to my heart than 'Sassy'. She is a most amazing little personality. She is everything I presume a cat should be. Absolutly beautiful, her coat reminds me of the sky in many different moods. An ominously grey day filled with heavy dark clouds,which means, a fire in the fireplace, and my self snuggled up and knitting away and a bright spring day with puffy white clouds floating happily on their way, which means me sitting on the patio with the warm sun on my back, spinning away. And her eyes are just the most amazing shade of green.(which is also my favorite) She has really been through alot too, this girl. Amoung the many things being that she has lost her front left leg, and dosn't even know it's gone.

Okay your probly thinking is this the thing that won't shut -up. But I feel rather rambly today as so thought I'd take you with me. It's been fun. Until next time.... Blessings, Sue
Note added: If you scroll over the pictures and a little hand shows up, you can click on it to make it larger.