I guess you'll just have to look at these beautiful strawberries I bought. I do love the produce that summer brings us.
It always amazes me what can come of one little seed. God is truly AMAZING.
Our Little fat hen is alone no longer. We have added to the flock, actually we added an entire flock at once. We got eight little ones. Boy are they cute.

We got 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 I can't remember right now and oops 1 New Jersey Giant.
I don't have much else to write about. I start physical therapy soon and am hoping to get back to business soon after that. I'll keep everyone posted about that.

We got 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 I can't remember right now and oops 1 New Jersey Giant.

Till next time then, stay cool , drink lots of water and count your many Blessings, Sue
Love the new baby chicks. We have some, but they are half grown now. A couple of them are frizzles because the kids picked them out with Papa, and I was not there to tell them the difference.
They are so cute and missing their little girls. I love the themometer, I want one. I atleast want to know how hot I am if I have to be hot!!! Take care and hope to see you soon. Get well!
awww, cute chicks! i love you and miss you!
This is great info to know.
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