Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I love words... I always have. I was born talking and I haven't stopped. Ask anyone that's around me. I also love to do word studies. This comes from my years of inductive bible study. I was thinking the other day about the situation that I have recently found myself in, due to the car accident I was in, at the beginning of summer. (Pain is not good.) I decided I would have a bit of fun with a word study. Not anything in depth but bear with me for a bit.......... Let us look at the word POT. or s, ing or whatever like I said we won't be getting technical.
This picture is entitled "Flax looks into the Pot of Gold" it is an illustration from a book entitled The Pot of Gold and other short stories by Mary E Wilkins 1893. You can find it entirely online and it is a joy.
These of course are painters pots....
These Lobster Pots are made by Nigel Legge. A fisherman artist and traditional willow lobster pot maker. You can go to his website. He is a fellow artist and the beauty of his craft is evident.
This of course is a flower pot and not to be out done by the following coffee pot.
There are even the Fountain Paint Pots in Yellowstone National Park to be considered.

Theres the watched pot that never boils.
The hot pot of tea or The warm pot stew on the stove.

This last picture is my favorite. It is a pot being created on a potters wheel in Thailand.
I didn't do anything in depth and this was just for fun. Maybe you can come up with a few more. I did notice that not once could I find anything that even looked like a pity pot. That's reassuring since I'm not going there anyway. Thanks for all the well wishes and support.

It was a cool site to check out. www.lobsterpots.co.uk/boattrips.html

Bean pot
Money pot.......a control pot, a Gimchi pot , melting pot and a stock pot.
You can sweeten the pot, or just go to pot.
You take a pot shot, have a pot belly or a pot of ale.
You could hit the jack pot, or know a crack pot.
Don't' forget Pooh's honey pot.
You can sweeten the pot, or just go to pot.
You take a pot shot, have a pot belly or a pot of ale.
You could hit the jack pot, or know a crack pot.
Don't' forget Pooh's honey pot.

Theres the watched pot that never boils.
The hot pot of tea or The warm pot stew on the stove.

This last picture is my favorite. It is a pot being created on a potters wheel in Thailand.

I'll try to be on here more often.. leave comments.
Blessings, Sue Isaiah 64:8
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Must be Summer..Sure is HOT!!!!!!!
Seth bought a new thermometer..... So now we can not only feel hot we can know EXACTLY how hot it is we are feeling. The top number tells us the time. The middle number is the temp. inside and the bottom is the temp outside. Pretty cool huh?!!!? Being a firefighter, the man is adamant about knowing the weather conditions. I love it. It makes things interesting/fun around here.
I know your probably ready to see some yarn or some knitting but alas my hands and shoulders are still not doing that great. Soon though. Seth said that he misses seeing me spin... Man... If I could only tell ya how I miss spinning. I am knitting. Slower than usual but I am finished with clue 3 on the Mystery stole. I'm happy with it so far. Pictures later. I finished a baby sweater and some booties, but can't share pictures yet on here either.
I guess you'll just have to look at these beautiful strawberries I bought. I do love the produce that summer brings us.

I guess you'll just have to look at these beautiful strawberries I bought. I do love the produce that summer brings us.
It always amazes me what can come of one little seed. God is truly AMAZING.
Our Little fat hen is alone no longer. We have added to the flock, actually we added an entire flock at once. We got eight little ones. Boy are they cute.

We got 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 I can't remember right now and oops 1 New Jersey Giant.
I don't have much else to write about. I start physical therapy soon and am hoping to get back to business soon after that. I'll keep everyone posted about that.

We got 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 I can't remember right now and oops 1 New Jersey Giant.

Till next time then, stay cool , drink lots of water and count your many Blessings, Sue
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Its not easy being Green.........

Allison loves the show "Man verses Wild" (either the show or the guy on the show , either way).
I don't know much about it myself but the guy is always eating weird things, really weird things, so I told Allison to taste one of the worms to see if it tasted like mint. She wouldn't do it. Oh well. I guess I'll never know since the chicken can't tell me either. heeheehee.

It's gonna be a hard knock life for this dishcloth too. Being green and all. And living around here. This is that new stripy peaches and cream cotton blend. I picked it up at Joanns. I like it. Being a dyer myself I'm not to impressed with the dye job on this yarn but for the purpose of the finished product (dishcloth) its just fine. I wouldn't use it for a garment but I wouldn't use this particular yarn for that purpose anyway regardless of the dye job.
And since I'm going with the somewhat corny green theme tonight and since the muscle relaxers that are supposed to be helping my shoulders and neck, have finally proven that my brain is in fact my largest muscle and is starting to not only relax but nod off......... I'll show you my beautiful green Basil. Which I moved very quickly to the other side of the patio and checked closely to make sure that those voracious little monsters had not set up housekeeping in yet.

It's gonna be a hard knock life for this dishcloth too. Being green and all. And living around here. This is that new stripy peaches and cream cotton blend. I picked it up at Joanns. I like it. Being a dyer myself I'm not to impressed with the dye job on this yarn but for the purpose of the finished product (dishcloth) its just fine. I wouldn't use it for a garment but I wouldn't use this particular yarn for that purpose anyway regardless of the dye job.

Goodnite then and Blessings, Sue
Friday, August 3, 2007

The Snail
The snail wuz crossin' de road for seben years. Jus' as he got crost, a tree fell and jus' missed him. He said, "Gee! It's good to be fast."
African-American Folktale
Copied entirly from Outfoxing Fear, Folktales from around the world. edited by Kathleen Ragan
Still creeping along and sending Blessings, Sue
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