When Seth and I were first married and having the girls ( yeah you guys ) We didn't have so very much in the way of money. HAHAHAHAHA... But that never stopped Daddy from bringing me flowers. I was home alone alot since he, being a fireman and gone 24hrs- home 24hrs, and up to my neck, literally in kids, I also watched other children for 14 years as a daycare provider( so I could be home with ours), would stop on the way home on the base and pick these huge and I mean HUGE bouquets of wild flowers for me. Well the other day while in Home Depot I found one of the flowers he used to pick for me. Its called a Sea Lavender. So I bought one and now its blooming!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!! Do you guys remember?????????? I always used to call them paper flowers because they seems really dry and do dry out well. ( I feel rambly today, OH WELL)
These are the prettiest light purple flowers. I have them sitting on the table on the back porch. They are called purple robe. Really delicate and attract the little hummers. When we first moved to Southern California I was a new wife and soon to be a new mother. Basically as I look back now I was pretty darn new at pretty darn much everything but had you asked me I'd a told you a completely different story. I remember it was the first time I had ever lived away from my "family " and I was basically lost down here. We lived in a rented duplex and I wanted to plant some flowers. Again NO MONEY go figure.... I went to some store... can't remember..... this lady, a nice Mexican lady, I wanted to hug,I missed my mom real bad, older,(probably younger then me now) told me to buy Portulaca... a succulent. She told me it would grow, no matter what. It would make pretty flowers, no matter what. and all I had to do was give it water. Well.......
I leave you with this... That lady was right.. I have always felt really smart cause for some reason when you say Portulaca its sounds .... smart... or ...cool... or at least like you know some horticultural thing( if you don't believe me try it, go to home depot and find it and say out loud to someone, hey theres some portulaca see how it makes you feel) pronounced- poor-two- locka
hello mother. it was quite delightful, our little chat today. I love and miss you terribly. i love your blog and quite enjoyed your pictures. I MISSSS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
heeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Yo momma,
Wow... Must take an old person to think pronouncing the scientific name of a plant makes yah sound cool :P LOLL!!! You know I love you!!!!
beautiful pictures! you're getting quite artistic with those. I also request a scarf out of that yarn. You know you want to make me one.
i love you!
Love the yarn Sue. We are all ready for the Fair. Can 't wait to see you. Be sure you come and see me no matter what I am doing. I know I will be busy, but will take time out to see you. Hope you are dying something yummy for me. This time I want a pound, of something Blue. Maybe Superwash something, or Morino with silk????
Hunh? what do you think? Take care!
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