Sorry it's been so long.. I didn't mean to stay away. I've been so darn sick In fact I'm on my second round of antibiotics and their not working.
Sooooo I'm off to a nose and throat specialist
tomorrow. Oh Well ........ I've still been very busy so enjoy!

This is the violet/ ivy basket I planted about a month ago for my coffee table. I love it. It's not only still alive but flourishing. I love purple and green together.

This is the skein of yarn I plied up from the bobbins I showed you earlier. It turned out to be 326 yards. I was going to sell it but orange is A's favorite color so I promised her some fingerless gloves from this. It's very soft and squishy.

This is a bit of a "tutorial" or whatever for my non
fibery friends and family. I wanted to share the process with you. The part you wont see is the sheep being born... sheared.... la la la.............
The wool coming into my possession.... ll la la la la.... Me dying the wool la la la the wool drying...
la la la and me carding the wool into batts on my drum carder.... Later I will show you the Later... by that I mean I will show you me dying wool and drum carding but for now we begin with the fiber being already blended into these soft fluffy little pillows of wonderful. Left to Right: Bright Scarlet with bits of silk noil , Shades of purple, violet, and scarlet blended with silk noil and Scarlet, yellow green with silk noil in green yellow and other mystery colors.
Hence the name of this blend........... Oriental Poppies ..........

Next step I broke each
batt into 4 or 5 inch pieces and
layed them into my little spinning tub. I counted them to see how many of each I had and them as randomly as any
persnickety, princess and the pea type can, I spun them up.

( By the way this is my new Victoria wheel which I will be happy to ramble on and on about in another post) this is what the bobbin looked like about half full. The little bits yous see sticking out are the bits of silk
noil. This is the nature of this type of yarn. It won't be a real smooth finish.

There are several ways of doing this next step. you can spin your single ply half and half onto two different bobbins and ply from them or you do what I have done here which is to wind your single ply off the bobbin into a center pull ball. Then you ply the yarn back onto itself by using the yarn from both ends making a 2 ply yarn. Notice the single ply while on the winder.

And here is the finished product. Flowing freely and
artistically down my camera case.

Spilling into a soft and gentle pool at the bottom. (thought you'd like that Took, you know peace, groovy, far out and all that,
hahaha... oh yeah rain bows too )
I am very happy with the way this yarn turned out. It is not as soft as I would have liked it to be but that is because the wool was not that soft to begin with. It was some that I had here that I couldn't remember where it came from making it perfect for this project. This one isn't for sale.
And here it is... The final product..... Oriental Poppies...... Skeined up and ready to look at. I will
definitely be offering this fiber blend in my shop. Its pretty labor intensive to create but very well worth the effort when made with high quality fiber which I always use to sell.

I wanted to close with this stand by
casserole. No matter how sick a mom can be or how tired or how you name it everyone else is still going to be hungry. I have always been very
grateful to go to the cupboard and find the ingredients to make this stand by and am
surprised to remember how dang good it is every darn time. Try it. Super good , Super easy. Throw together a salad and open a jar of peaches and your done.......
Chicken Casserole (Tuna)
1 can Chicken or Tuna drained
1 can Cream of Chicken or Mushroom soup
1/2 can milk or water
Grated cheese (I usually use cheddar)
Some kind of vegetable ( frozen corn, peas, brocc, canned corn not to much about a cup)
salt and pepper
macaroni or some kind of pasta ( a package)
Cook pasta, drain. Mix all other ingredients in a large bowl. Mix all this together. Cover with cheese. Bake at 350 just until its warmed through again or until the cheese on top melts.
Whats with the blue????

Blessings to you all, til later then..... Sue