Sunday, November 18, 2012


 I spend every other day walking around our beloved Lindo Lake.  I have been walking here for years.When the girls were small we would bring them on their little bikes. They used to play on the playgrounds. I have seen many changes through the years. This year has been one of the biggest and a first.
 This is a picture of the east side of the lake last spring. Lots of wildlife, birds and fish.
 This is a picture of the same east lake now. WHAT HAPPENED??? Well the  run off from Lake Jennings that was used to keep this, our little lake full has gotten infiltrated with some kind of mussel or clam or some such thing,  " they", the great Lake Gods... decided they did not want to them to start growing here for fear of taking over and ruining the Eco system here. Good decision with sad temporary consequences .So they shut off that same overflow and closed off the east and west sides of the lake letting the east side dry up.
 This is Gus.... He's my little walking buddy.
 They have had crews in for the last few weeks cutting back all the over growth that started filling up the lake bed and today, Seth and I walked out into the, well pretty much middle. If you look real close at the cracks, you may be able to see the ground water. Its still there and gives great hope!!
 This is Seth walking past some of the cattails they cleared out.
 It's quite baron looking now and we are waiting, not so patiently , for the rains to come.
 It looks so eery and strange to be in the middle looking out. Fun though to be able to walk were we never could before. It's not nearly as deep as we thought it was. This is the only natural lake in San Diego County.
This is a view from the West side of the lake. It is still full and filled with ducks, geese and the cutest little mud hens. Herons, sea gulls, and more. It is also home to many birds that come and go like these pelicans that have been enjoying it here for the past few weeks. This picture was actually taken from the bench press I use to work my arms. It's so wonderful to breathe deeply and look at all this.
I am truly blessed. My knees are doing great. I'm getting more and more energy and am able to accomplish more everyday.
Thanks for stopping by.... be blessed, Sue

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yep..... Its Autumn alright

 So even though we have been "watching" football and stitching away for a few weeks now, it seems like today....finally.... It's here. We have rain in our forecast and its been a pretty blustery day, all day long.  I got out early and got my walk on. hahahah Even though I wasn't quite feeling it all that much today. I can feel the weather changes in my knees and in my shoulder... This is not a sign of old age.... This is a sign of metal knees and a car accident shoulder.. ... At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
 Remember how I always cooked down our jack o lanterns and roasted the seeds? Well this year I  bought a couple of sugar baby pumpkins, the kind used specifically for pies. Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmmm. There is a large difference in the meat. I baked it first and then pureed it in the blender. I have been having pumpkin in just about everything from my protein drinks to my oatmeal. So good.
 Before I set out of the house today I made up a good ol' beef stew for the crock. Boy... it sure makes dinner something to look forward to when you have had to smell something so darn good allllllldayyyyylonggg.
 I found these beautiful sunflowers at the grocery yesterday. I walked past them at first....
 Then turned my cart around and snatched them up. They were the last bunch and am I glad I did. They are so cheerful and happy. Bright and sunshiny. and even though that isn't usually something I think about to much, they have brightened it up in here today.
 Since we changed the clocks back it has been getting so dark in here so early, because of the mountain behind us. It always surprises me... even though I have been here forever... I'm never quite ready to feel like closing up shop at 3:30 or 4 pm.
 I bought my amaryllis bulb yesterday as well. Shall I tell you the color of the bloom now of make you wait. Hmmmmmmm we'll see. These have brought me so much joy over the years. When the girls were little we planted it together and they helped me turn it towards the sun to try to keep the stem straight. Do you remember??
 I have always wanted to make a Log Cabin Quilt.  This is my attempt. I am hand piecing it. I love the colors which will show up better in later posts ( remember there is no sun today) Seth and I talked about getting a new four poster bed for our new bedroom in Georgia. This will go on it nicely.
I was contemplating my fruit bowl this morning as I sipped my coffee. Since I have started eating so healthy I have noticed the changes that have come to it as time goes buy. I am eating seasonally and enjoying it sooo much. This summer its was filled with peaches and nectarines and plums... which slowly began to change to  more apples and all the different pears and even some navel oranges. Banana are always a must around here.Right now I have found my perfect apple. It's called a Honey Crisp and it is the most delicious apple I have ever eaten. Crisp, sweet, tart and so juicy it actually runs down your arm without a napkin close by. If you have never had one, seek them out. Let me know what you think. I love them.
I have even started trying all the new squashes in the grocery. I have to admit I was never a fan. I've stuck pretty much to zucchini and yellow, acorn in the winter. Please don't ever tell me about how delightful spaghetti squash is... thank you very much. If I want to eat spaghetti its gonna have to be made with flour and egg. I'm just saying. But I am trying to "open my mind" and "expand my horizons" hahahahahahaahhaah

Until next time, Be so blessed you just can't stand it.         Blessings, Sue

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5....huh....

This is the most recent picture I have of my beloved grand daughter. Is she not the cutest thing ever????? Completely rhetorical question, because of course you agree with me!!!!!!!
She just keeps growing and growing and I miss her so very much. I wish I could reach through time and space and camera lenses and kiss those soft little cheekies.
And this one.... This is my favorite. She is a love after my own heart. I could quite possibly stare at these photos for an entire afternoon and still want more.

One of the reasons I have had a hard time writing on here is because you see, I have been reminded AGAIN, that there are things within my control and things I just can't make happen the way I want them to. No matter how much I stomp my feet,  hold my breath, or cry.  There have been way to many tears over this subject and so..... It's time to hike up my big girl panties and concentrate on the things I can change.
It is taking a whole lot longer to move than I had EVER anticipated. In my mind, Seth would retire..... We would sell the house and be off like a herd of turtles. Seems though that, that wasn't in God's plan.
Since I really do believe that His timing is the best for everyone.... its been tough........
We are still fixing the house, and packing things up and donating things to charity. but its looking more like Spring that we will be outta here. The housing market is turning around and things are looking better financially. So keep us in your prayers. And come by often. I really do have some cool things to show you.
Blessings, Sue

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Checking back in....

Oh my Gosh.... Where has the time gone? I'm still here. I didn't know I was going to take a break from here again and even contemplated not coming back. But... things change.... And here I am. I hope not to many of you have given up  and will continue to stop by, for this I am grateful. Blessings, Sue