We have been hanging low and just being ever since. Its good. I get to sleep the entire night and then during the day Carlye trys to sleep. and I GET TO TAKE CARE OF THE BABY!!!
We took a drive the other day, just to stretch our wings a bit and see something else. What a beautiful day it was.
It's GREEN here, Every where I look I feel so content. Yes, it's humid. but you really do get a bit used to that. and I'm using way less lotion. I'm actually convinced I look twenty years younger without all the wrinkles and crinkles I usually have.. (probably my imagination, but what the heck. a girl can dream cant' she?? hahahahaha)
This was taken through he car window so you can see the reflection of my shirt. but I just had to show you the meadow. Yes a meadow..... green with tiny little flowers. Isn't it wonderful. I had no idea where I was until we came to a tiny town. Its hard for me to get my bearings here. Without a mountain here and there to orient me its tough. But I am learning my way around pretty darn good. I know where the Hobby Lobby is and what else do I need? hahahahhahahhaah
More later than, blessings, Sue