When my girls were small we had an entire library of children's books. Books are our passion. Being able to read is a gift I want each and every child who comes into my life to have. I live to sit and read to a child. To watch their faces as they fall in love with the written word. I have long had an attachment to Little Golden books.

Remember this one??? This is always a good one for the tired, harried mommy who feels like she is being pecked to death by her chicks!!! hahahahahhah and My favorite favorite for sure.
These books are sturdy little books with beautiful, colorful illustrations and stories that are easy to improvise for even the youngest listener. And... they are priced right.

We had LOTS of them at hand and anytime was story time. It was always nice to be able to say "yes" when the girls would pick one out at the store and say " pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze"
As the girls grew and they're taste in literature matured we packed away The Little Golden books along with the rest of the storybooks. They are still lovingly tucked, safely away in the shed awaiting my grandchildren. Who are,by the way, on their way.....Well one at least......

Imagine my dismay, when while looking to buy a few of them for Paige, I was told that not only does Wal-Mart not have any in stock... they don't even sell them anymore.... WHAT....YOU'VE GOT TO BE FLIPPING KIDDING!!!! This is enough for me to stop shopping there altogether. Ok untwist knickers...... Maybe Target will have them..... NO.... AGHHHHH Whats this world coming to I ask you. The only books I could find at either place were cheesy little books that made no sense and cost way toooooo much..... Soooooo sad!!!!!and they were tucked way back at the back of the store...... tsk tsk.....(shaking head slowly back and forth)
Remember this helping daddy one... hahahahha cracked me up and you guys used to think it was so funny that the daddy in here smoked a pipe...when yours didn,t. hahahahahha He also cut hedges and some other stuff your daddy didnt do but we'll not go there!!! hahahah crack myself up.

Well not that anything like that has ever stopped me before. It looks like Paige and I are off on an excursion to the Thrift stores.

Jussssssssst as soon as we get over this creeping crud that has overtaken not only both of us but... all of us......
Un sniffuly Blessings to you, Sue
Oh yes these pictures of the little golden books where borrowed from random spots on the internet. I looked for copyright stuff, found none and so I used them.