Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas is coming....

When I was little, we sang this song. I remember my sister and I singing it so "perfectly" in a round. We thought we sounded like angels. I can go through all the motions of "getting ready" but the moment I find myself humming this little song I know Christmas is here. It happened for me today........

Christmas is coming
the goose s getting fat.
Please to put a penny
in the old mans hat.
If you haven't got a penny
A ha' penny will do.
If you haven't got a ha' penny
God Bless You. We started this tradition when Allison was young. Each year she decorates a gingerbread house. I tried to find past pictures to show you how her artistic creations have changed through the years but you'll just have to believe me when I say that they have EACH one brought many fond memories and laughs for our family. ( One year she used little gingerbread men and her small plastic dinosaurs. There was red frosting and too many laughs. I'll leave it at that) ahahahahaha

This year was very subdued. Thoughtful and amazingly...clean....

Much fun...... The tree is trimmed and waiting....

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care............
Matt and Carlye will be here in just a few short days..... and it will be complete. My mom is coming the day after Christmas to spend New Year with us and to meet her new Grandson. I am content. My family will be together and that is what matters the very most to me.

We're finally having "weather" here in SO CA. It's great.
God Bless You all and stay in the spirit while out doing the rest of the preparations.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Candle, candle,
Burning bright
On our window
sill tonight,
Like the shining
Christmas star
Guiding shepherds
From afar,
Lead some weary
Traveler here,
That he may share
Our Christmas cheer. Isabel Shaw

Lets remember what it's really all about, take a moment or two, to reflect on what's really important.
It only takes a moment to tell someone what they mean to you, how blessed you feel to have them in your life. That might be just what that person needs to hear.
Blessings, Sue