About a week before I went to Georgia I spent the night in the ER. having the pad of my finger sewn back on. Yep I do everything really well. That's why they call me genius. That is also why I didn't blog for awhile. It has healed really well. I have feeling in it, which is one thing the Dr. mentioned I may loose. So all is well with that.....

Jennifer made the most amazing muffins for us. My girls are all pretty much genius's too. The apple doesn't fall too far from the ol'tree. ( I pretty much milked the finger thing for all it was worth, no dishes, I couldn't even sweep for awhile,wink wink... you get, it right) Spinning however was pretty do-able though. Knitting was not too hard once I figured out how to catch the yarn right. (I knit continental)

Jennifer and Seth went hiking up to Vulcan mountain Sunday afternoon. You drive through Julian to get there, which is a beautiful little mountain community. We usually try to avoid going there during October however, since ti is Apple Days there and everyone goes up to enjoy the Autumny environment. They have lots of "pick your own" orchards and fun entertainment things for the family.
They did find a lovely fruit filled tree on one of the trails and brought these little gems home for us . Aren't they pretty. and soooo sweet. Most definitely, God's candy.
They also stopped in a place called Descanso on the way home and brought me back this wonderful surprise. Local honey!!!!!!! the lady they get it from sells two different kinds. The lighter is from between the ocean and Lakeside, and the darker (here) is from the wildflowers from Lakeside to Descanso. It is a total treat and just in time as my other bottle is almost gone.
I love Autumn. This is most decidedly my favorite season. The crisp morning air and the brilliant blue sky. I love the colors and the smells. The feel of the air and everything pumpkin. The heat of summer can almost be a pleasant memory. I can again enjoy my afternoon cups of tea, and look forward to having a log in the fire soon. Yes... all is well......
I bought these acorns in Historical Newnan, Georgia. We put them in a bowl with Carlye's other gourds while there and now they have they're own bowl here with me. Aren't they cool.
There is a poem that keeps playing in the back of my mind... I'm not sure how it goes for sure but something like this....
Where ever I stop to rest.... It seems I like my own home best.......
Yeah I like that . Even if it isn't quoted correctly. This is how I'm feeling today... Happy to be here... Right here.... Home....
Blessings, Sue